Thursday, 5 September 2013

Linkoping University

Apparently I've forgotten what it's like to be a university student in the 8 years since I've last attended school! Students like to stay up till early morning and sleep till early afternoon.  I'm always so quiet getting ready in the morning so I don't wake up my roommates.  Unwilling to submit to this routine I've been enjoying early morning runs and bike rides exploring the city.
In Europe most students do their master's degree as part of their study.  It is not at all common to work for several years and then do your master's.  I am the oldest student in my program and the only one that has teaching experience.  So far I find the program awesome and very relevant.  I'm excited to start work on my thesis.
The program is very international and I am the only student that isn't ESL! There are students from 9 different countries in my program that include Greece, Germany, Ireland, Spain, China, Turkey, Italy, Czech Republic, and Canada. It is very interesting to discuss the differences in education of each country.
The pace of life is a lot more relaxed in Sweden with constant "Fika" interruptions.  For Fika you take a break with fellow students or colleagues and grab a coffee and something sweet. Skipping these breaks is somewhat frowned upon.
The bike route to school.  Often there are completely separate roads for cyclists and motorists as seen with the overpass in the background.
Most students bike to school :)
The campus is beautiful with many cobblestone lanes.

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